Why should I turn off my Router or Computer WiFi Network when not in use?

In this world of an unlimited Internet supply, the constant urge to stay connected can be a bit of a problem. But why? Following are some of the reasons why it is a good idea to turn off your computer network when not in use. Let us talk about them in detail.

1] Security reasons

Probably the most important reason why should consider turning off your computer network is to improve your security. When your network appliances are disabled and you are offline, no hacker can access your device once they are offline. Even if you are connected to a firewall or a security program, there are some chances of your device getting hacked. But once the device is offline, more often than not, you can rest assured that no one is hacking your device. Read: How to find out who is using your WiFi Wireless Network

2] Less Network Issues

If you are a gamer or someone who has to connect to the Internet every time they have to work, you must have realized that there are a lot of network issues that you are facing. One of the most common solutions to resolve these issues is to power cycle your network device. If you keep turning off your router from time to time, you will face this issue less frequently. So, if you receive error messages regarding network glitches, turning off your router when not in use is a good habit.

3] Save on electricity bill

Most of us don’t realize this but even your router tends to take a significant portion of your monthly electricity bill. Now, we don’t know how much is the cost of electricity in your state, but if you live in a place with expensive electricity, then make sure to close your router or other network devices when they are not in use.

4] Protection from electricity surge

Turning off network devices can also ensure your protection from electrical surges. When you are sleeping and not using the appliances, you are usually not aware of the surge, if a router is connected, the surge can damage your devices.

5] Fewer Notifications

Random and redundant notifications are a huge distraction, they decrease your productivity, hinder your family time, and just imbue a sort of anxiety in you. Although you can turn off notifications, then the sender will know that you received the message and are not responding, that is why, if you are not working on the Internet, turning the router off, can be beneficial.

6] Gifts you a tranquil environment

Last not least, turning off your devices can lower the overall noise caused by the fans inside your router. More often than not, our ears adapt to the sound that these devices make, so, we don’t realize that something is off. However, once you turn off the device, you will feel like your environment becomes a little bit more serene. Maybe these reasons are enough for you to believe that turning off your network devices is actually beneficial.

Demerits of turning off your computer network

Nothing is perfect in this world, even something as good as turning off your computer network devices when not in use. Following are some of the demerits of disabling a computer network when not in use.

Shorten the life of your device: When you power cycle your device, its lifespan gets shortened slightly and keeps decreasing every time you power cycle it.Improper Connection: If you are a busy person, someone who is constantly on the net and can not afford to have your work delayed even for a bit, then maybe turning off your computer network is not a good option. Also, it takes a little bit of time for your Internet connection to be restored after you turn on the device.Lack of Convenience: Maybe your router is placed at a very inconvenient place making it harder for you to reach from time to time. So, if that’s the case, then turning the device once a day is ideal.

These disadvantages can not overshadow the advantages of turning off the router when not in use. Read: Privacy Settings in Windows 11/10 you should change.

Should you leave the Internet on all the time?

No, there is no point in leaving the Internet on all the time, instead, you should turn off the Internet devices such as routers and mobile data when not in use. The only thing that goes against the idea of turning off the router is the fact that the lifespan of the device can decrease slightly. However, the impact is not as significant as some people want you to believe. Also, once you turn off your router, you are saving some amount on electricity as well and you are not even sacrificing your privacy. That being said, in order to make a decision to leave the router running or turn it off, scroll up and read both the advantages and disadvantages of both actions.

How often should you turn off your router?

There is no specific time period for turning off your router or WiFi network. However, if you use an old router, it is suggested to give it a reset frequently. On the other hand, if your router often gets slower while using it, you can turn off your router for a few minutes to clear the memory cache. Read: Enable or Disable Network Discovery or Sharing in Windows 11/10.